…And We’re Back!

Dear Readers,

My God it feels good to speak with you again. How have you all been! It’s been ages since we last caught up – no really, simply too long have I been without you. My absolute darlings I completely adore you.

So I guess you might have a few questions, about life, the universe… and why exactly we’ve been on a break? Well I am so sorry to say, but I’ve been cheating on you! No, no don’t try to defend me, it’s all true. I’ve been on hiatus working on a diffierent writing project.

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted more than anything to write a book. I’m so proud to say that it’s a bucket list item I can now tick off. The only way I forced myself, grueling paragraph by paragraph, through the drafting process, however, was to promise no updates to the blog until I’d finished.

Even if it never sees the light of day, at least I can say with confidence that I have, indeed, written a book!


Marie Athena xoxo

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